Tuesday, May 6, 2008


i recently learned that a number of my pastors have left the church! i really can't judge these people. first because it is a sin and secondly because i myself have left the church. i've written earlier blogs about how guilty and empty it feels to just give up on something you thought was your core. something that is the center of your being. you feel like you're not the same anymore and the world is off its axis. nothing's really going to be the same at all. when i heard about these pastors, my heart went out to them. i know how hard it is to turn away and now only be remembered for only the bad and not the good. sometimes the worst accuser is yourself. i pray that they did make the right decision and the God has mercy when judging them. i pray that this wasn't a mistake and it is God's plan. i pray that God gives them more discernment and that they shouldn't be moved by anything that isn't of God. i pray that is it a positive act and nondistructive to the church itself. i pray that the same mistake will not be repeated and the damage will change into growth for our future. God has a way of turning death into life. He's done it before and i believe that He will do it again.